Sunday, December 16, 2012

Warm Bodies and Martin Freeman's Face

       So recently, there's been a lot of buzz about this book (which is being turned into a movie very soon!)

    Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion. Not all of this buzz has been good, and I'm not saying it has to be, but a lot of these negative feelings towards Warm Bodies are misinformed. There are a lot of people assuming it's bad, just from watching the trailer, or that Isaac Marion is just trying to latch onto the growing paranormal romance market to earn some quick cash. I'm here to tell you that none of that is true.

     Yes, Warm Bodies is about a zombie that falls in love with a human. Yes, this zombie is remarkably attractive for a zombie. And yes, the movie was picked up by Summit (that same company that did all the Twilight movies.) But that doesn't mean that Warm Bodies is Twilight, or even remotely similar. Technically, it's a paranormal romance, but that is not what defines the book. It's a love story, yes, but mostly it's about what defines humanity, and what separates us from the animals. If you think about it, what is it that separates the living from the dead? (who are portrayed as the animals in this book) We feel, we love, we have compassion. That's what Marion was trying to explain.

    Also, props to Marion for giving new life to zombie fiction (ha-ha get it?) I mean, there's only so much you can do with the walking dead, but by making the book from the point of view of a zombie, he's bringing logic into the situation, which was something I, as a reader, had never even considered. And, he does this all in the most eloquent way possible. I can honestly say that Warm Bodies is one of the best written books I have ever read, and I have read A LOT.

      So, I'm not saying that everyone should love Warm Bodies, but I think you should at least give it a chance. Don't judge a book by it's cover.
      If you happen to read Warm Bodies and like it, the author is also really cool! Check out his blog here: Burning Building- Isaac Marion

Now, on the subject of hobbits.

   In my last post, I talked about how I had to read The Hobbit before I went to the midnight premier. Well, I did it, and I am happy to say that Bombur survived the entire book! (I knew you could do it buddy!) I also went to the premier, which was AMAZING. If you have never been to a midnight premier, I highly recommend it. There is nothing like sitting in a big theatre at 3 in the morning with a bunch of nerds, crying over Thorin and Bilbo's budding bromance. The music is epic, the effects are unbelievable, and most of all...

     Martin Freeman is adorable. That is all.



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