Saturday, December 8, 2012

Book Recommendation: The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

WARNING: This may contain spoilers. Maybe. It depends on what you define as spoilers. I define them as way less cryptic than what’s in here, but maybe some people don’t.

Here’s the first thing you need to know about The Scorpio Races: it’s not a book for readers, its book for writers.

                I promise that makes sense inside my head, but I shall explain it nonetheless. There are books you read where the story is just amazing. You know what I’m talking about, perfectly paced, great characters, plot twists, the books you accidentally read for six hours when you only meant to read one chapter. But then there are the books you read where the words are what’s truly amazing. The metaphors, the dialogue, the descriptions, every sentence is positively gorgeous. Those are the writer books. The books only writers could love as much as they do, because only they could appreciate all the beauty those words portray.

                Now I’m not saying that Maggie Steifvater didn’t have a great plot and fantastic characters (because trust me, she did) but when I read it, all I could do was marvel at the brilliance of her words. If you ever want to see what good descriptive writing looks like, you must read this book.

Plot wise: Still a really good book! Puck is a great character, really funny. Sean is… Sean. He is possibly one of the best characters I’ve ever read about. He’s sweet, yet distant, and complex enough to keep you interested. His character will really make you think. The setting is also great. The island, Thisby, is immersed in myth and tradition, yet it also carries the feel of a small town that gives you, the reader, a sort of intimate look at it.

                The story, while incredibly intriguing, requires a certain level of commitment. It can get really slow at parts, and a bit repetitive, but I encourage you to read through the end. I promise, it’s worth it, even if it makes you really mad (you’ll see what I mean if you read it.)
Also, fun fact: Maggie Stiefvater did the animation and wrote/ performed the music for the book trailer (which is really cool!) Watch it here:  The Scorpio Races book trailer

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