Saturday, February 9, 2013

Youtube Keeps Me Unproductive

          Like many people out there, I used to think that Youtube was only for cat videos and gangam style. It wasn't until two months ago that I discovered that was not the case at all. Video blogs, "vlogs", are slowly becoming more and more popular.
           While these vlogs will send you into an eternal downward spiral of procrastination and genral unproductiveness, I highly recommend you check some out. Here are a few of my favorites...

The Vlog Brothers: On January 1st, 2007, brothers John and Hank Green challenged each other to spend a whole year communicating without texting and instead to make videos on their joint vlog for each other to watch. Turns out, they were super funny and awesome and the project gained so much popularity that today, it is one of the most watched channels on youtube and known throughout the world. Followers of the vlog are called "Nerdfighters" (not people who fight nerds, but people who fight in the name of nerdom.) Every year, the vlog brothers take over youtube for The Project for Awesome, a massive charity event where nonprofits make videos explaining why people should donate to them, and people vote on their favorites to recieve money at the end of the two days The Project for Awesome takes place. Also, each comment the videos get are matched with something like a penny up to $10,000 from each John and Hank as well as a handful of other donors. The brothers also do a 48 hour live stream where they talk to donors and heads of nonprofits.
       Maybe you've heard of John Green. He's a YA author, his most popular book, The Fault in Our Stars, is already considered a modern classic. Here's a good introduciton video to Vlogbrothers: 
         Hank Green also has a few songs on itunes. For extra points, I would love to hear someone sing all of The Universe is Weird in one try. (Listen to the song and you'll see how hard this is. Not even Hank can do it, and he wrote the song.)

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries: A modernization of Pride and Prejudice created and produced by Hank Green. The idea is that Lizzie Bennet is a grad student trying to get her mass communications degree and the vlog is her thesis project, but her life follows the storyline of Pride and Prejudice. This is really good to watch as you read the book because you get to know the characters a lot better, and it does a really great job of making Pride and Prejudice relevant to today's world (Like, in 2013, running away with an unmarried man would not be scandalous, but a sex tape would be. They adapt things so they have the same levity in the modern world as they would in 1813.) The only downside is that the vlog also stays on the same timeline, which means that if something happens at christmastime, you have to wait until christmas to see it. If it leaves off on a cliffhanger, you're just going to have to suck it up and sit in a corner in fetal position trying to cope until the next video comes out. Here's the first video:

      P.S. Darcy doesn't come in until the 60th video. I tell you this because I watch this for 4 hours just waiting for him to show up.

The Super Amazing Project: British Youtubers danisnotonfire and amzingphil join up to create a show about supernatural occurences in the world. Complete with creepy Robert Pattinson masks and jokes about the Queen (isn't that illegal or something?) I can't explain these guys. They're funny just because of who they are. But be warned, some videos are a little inappropriate, especially on Dan and Phil's own channels. Also, Dan seems to have a problem with wearing pants. I don't get it, he wears belts in every single video and yet his pants still sag. Just pull them up, it's not that hard. Here's one of my favorite videos:

I think Phil is the male version of me.
If you liked the video above, also check out Dan and Phil's individual channels, Danisnotonfire and Amazing Phil, or some of their youtuber friends: Itswaypastmybedtime, Nerimon, and Charlieissocoollike. John and Hank Green also have a few good educational shows, Crash Course World History/ English, Sci Show, and the Brain Scoop (done by their awesome taxidermist friend Emily.) 

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